Monday, November 9, 2009

Britney Spears not well received down under!

Australian fans are crying foul at the first two Britney shows, citing lipsynching as their biggest complaint. The only songs she performed live were the ballads, miming the ones with more rigorous dance routines. Oddly enough, it is a well known fact that Britney does this all the time. You'd think the Aussies would know, but one fan was stated as saying:

"I want my money back or I want her to sing properly," she said. "The ticket cost me $200 and she lip-synched the whole thing. It's cost me half a week's wage and you've got bills to pay, but you look forward to this concert, it's a night out - and what do you get? Nothing. It was a waste of $200 - I could have got four pairs of shoes for that."

Britney's tour promoter has responded to the massive amounts of negative press she is receiving in Australia and has issued the following statement in Britney's defense:

"Britney is aware of all this and she’s extremely upset by it. She’s a human being. I’m embarrassed, with such a big international entourage here with Britney, to be part of the Australian media when I see that kind of totally inaccurate reporting.”

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