Monday, November 23, 2009

Mariah Carey's diva behavior futher examined.

As previously reported, Miss Carey's diva behavior at a recent interview was quite the shock! Now further details about her and her entourage have been revealed. According to the Daily Mail, the star stunned producers by having two people to lower her on to the famous GMTV sofa, so that her dress wouldn't wrinkle.

Miss Garraway of GMTV said "While Mariah was very nice, the amount of people she had in her entourage was hilarious.

'They outnumbered the entire GMTV crew! She had two people to lower her on to the GMTV sofa, in case her dress got crushed, one person to walk in front of her backwards at all times in case she fell over and several people behind the camera making sure she was going to be filmed from the right angle!

"Have you ever heard anything like it? Oh, and she brought her own toilet roll as well!"

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